Our Community

coming together

finding common ground

Standing in any variety of Virabhadrasana, sanskrit for Warrior Pose, can evoke feeling of strength, power, and courage. But the Warrior posture isn't about preparing for battle; the yoga Warrior also embodies the qualities of virtue and grace. In practicing the quality of Ahisma, or non-violence, the yoga warrior uses the weapons of consciousness, wisdom and speech to clear away the obstacles towards peace.

Our amazing students have come together as a community to help support a variety of charitable causes.

We offer special weekly community classes offered on a sliding scale. These proceeds get donated directly to organizations seeking to create a more just and equitable world.

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2020 will be the 4th year our studio has gathered its community in support of the annual Yoga Reaches Out yoga-thon. To date, we’ve raised close to $20,000 to benefit the Wellness Program at Boston Children Hospital. This year we want to raise another $10k! Click here to join our team!